Well, as my last post was a week ago, I am having a bit of trouble keeping up with 10 words a day. Today, I have been doing a bit of reviewing and today's review words are carriere or careers.
Bambinaia - nanny
Professore/professoressa- professor
Insegnante - teacher
Infermiera - nurse
Dottore/medico - doctor
Dentista - dentist
Veterinario - veterinarian
Ingegnere - engineer
Geometra - surveyor
Calciatore - soccer player
Atleta - athlete
Batterista - drumer
Chitarrista - guitarist
Musicista - musician
Cantante - singer
Scrittore - writer
Artista - artist
Scultore/trice -sculptor
Attore - actor
Pittore - painter
Regista - director
Operatore - operator
Operaio - laborer
Giardiniere - gardener
Sarto - tailor
Autista - (bus) driver
Camionista - truck driver (not too sure about this word, I think I made it up)
Falegname/carpentiere - carpenter
Idraulico - plumber
Elettricista - electrician
Saldatore/trice - welder
Pompiere - fireman
Commesso - sales clerk
Impiegato - clerk
Tecnico - technician
Fornaio - baker
Macellaio - butcher
Fruttivendolo - greengrocer
Pescivendolo - fish vendor
Imprenditore - entrepreneur
Capocuoco - chef
Cuoco - cook
Contadino - farmer
Pescatore - fisherman
Barbiere - barber
Parrucchiere - hairdresser
Prete/suora/frate - priest/nun/monk
Marinaio - sailor
Polliziotto - policeman
Banchiere - banker
Segretaria - secretary
Avvocato - lawyer
Cameriere - waiter
Albergatore/trice - hotelier
Programmatore/trice - programmer
Ragioniere - accountant
Commercialista- accountant
Notaio - notary
A few later additions:
allenatore/trice - trainer
palestra personale - personal trainer
biologo - biologist
geologo - geologist (Io sono una)
scienziato - scientist
stillisto - stylist
ciclista - cyclist
Note: coaches are sometimes called tecnico or allenatore
I'm not sure of the technical differences between commercialista and ragioniere unless ragioniere is more like a bookeeper and commercialista is our equivalent of CPA. I couldn't find many words for the building trades except for idraulico, falegname/carpentiere, saldatore and operaio. Operaio seems that it can be a laborer or a factory worker while operatore is more an description for tour operator. I'm sure that there are other names for tradesmen like heavy equipment operator, crane operator but I couldn't find them even in the big dictionary. Any additions or corrections?