Monday, June 16, 2008

Italian in 10 words a day - Carriere

Well, as my last post was a week ago, I am having a bit of trouble keeping up with 10 words a day. Today, I have been doing a bit of reviewing and today's review words are carriere or careers.

Bambinaia - nanny
Professore/professoressa- professor
Insegnante - teacher
Infermiera - nurse
Dottore/medico - doctor
Dentista - dentist
Veterinario - veterinarian
Ingegnere - engineer
Geometra - surveyor
Calciatore - soccer player
Atleta - athlete
Batterista - drumer
Chitarrista - guitarist
Musicista - musician
Cantante - singer
Scrittore - writer
Artista - artist
Scultore/trice -sculptor
Attore - actor
Pittore - painter
Regista - director
Operatore - operator
Operaio - laborer
Giardiniere - gardener
Sarto - tailor
Autista - (bus) driver
Camionista - truck driver (not too sure about this word, I think I made it up)
Falegname/carpentiere - carpenter
Idraulico - plumber
Elettricista - electrician
Saldatore/trice - welder
Pompiere - fireman
Commesso - sales clerk
Impiegato - clerk
Tecnico - technician
Fornaio - baker
Macellaio - butcher
Fruttivendolo - greengrocer
Pescivendolo - fish vendor
Imprenditore - entrepreneur
Capocuoco - chef
Cuoco - cook
Contadino - farmer
Pescatore - fisherman
Barbiere - barber
Parrucchiere - hairdresser
Prete/suora/frate - priest/nun/monk
Marinaio - sailor
Polliziotto - policeman
Banchiere - banker
Segretaria - secretary
Avvocato - lawyer
Cameriere - waiter
Albergatore/trice - hotelier
Programmatore/trice - programmer
Ragioniere - accountant
Commercialista- accountant
Notaio - notary

A few later additions:
allenatore/trice - trainer
palestra personale - personal trainer
biologo - biologist
geologo - geologist (Io sono una)
scienziato - scientist
stillisto - stylist
ciclista - cyclist

Note: coaches are sometimes called tecnico or allenatore

I'm not sure of the technical differences between commercialista and ragioniere unless ragioniere is more like a bookeeper and commercialista is our equivalent of CPA. I couldn't find many words for the building trades except for idraulico, falegname/carpentiere, saldatore and operaio. Operaio seems that it can be a laborer or a factory worker while operatore is more an description for tour operator. I'm sure that there are other names for tradesmen like heavy equipment operator, crane operator but I couldn't find them even in the big dictionary. Any additions or corrections?


Meg said...

Oy. This list reminds me that I need to get back to my Italian, too. Of course, when I tried to declare orechiette instead of earrings as I departed Italy, I was reminded that, yep, I still have a long climb back to fluency.

Homebody at Heart said...

Oh, how I wish that I had been fluent at one point. I'm still trying to climb up. But leaning word in groups seems to help me understand, unless I'm in Rome, of course, where I'm usually at a total loss as to what people are saying.