Tomorrow, we are having a combination birthday party for mia carina prozia and a family re-union pot luck picnic so while I am waiting for stuff to cook, I thought I catch up on all the various names for family members in Italian.
genitori - parents
madre/padre/mamma/papĂ - you know these guys
babbo - dad
Nonno/a/i - grandfather/grandmother/grandparents
bisnonno/a/i - great-grandfather/great-grandmother/great grand parents
trisavolo/a/i - great-great grandparents
zio/zia/zii/zie - uncle, aunt
prozio/a - great-uncle/aunt
nipote - grandchild/niece/nephew
pronipote - great grandchild/nephew/niece
trisnipote - great-great grandchild, etc.
cugino/a/i- cousin/s
fratello - brother
sorella - sister
figlio/figlia - son/daughter
fratellino - little brother
sorellina - little sister
fratellastro - stepbrother
sorellastra - stepsister
figliastro/a - step-son/daughter
matrigna - step-mother
patrigno - step-father
suocero/a - father/mother-in-law
genero - son-in-law
nuora -daughter-in-law
cognato/a- brother/sister in-law
parente - relative
parenti acquisiti - in-laws
gemelli - twins
Did I forget anyone?
I've been following your language posts. Thanks for the help :)
HI Maryann,
Glad to help!
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